Many times letting go has been the cause of my trouble.
As a kid, giving away my chocolate to my friend was the cause of major turmoil, but today I thank my parents who man handled me then so as to ensure I learn to let go of the chocolate.
Later in life, the object of letting go just changed but the turmoil I guess was the same.
My learning from life has been that we make the actual process “letting go” a major event. The time we give away what we treasured physically or mentally, it is just the fag end of process.
Have you noticed that when you let go, sometimes you feel light, as though you are free from a physical pain, mostly very empty, sole purpose of existing has been snatched away and yet other times too numb to feel anything, then you go to stage of empty.
Nothing better could come of letting go if the feeling the pressure go off. But when there is pain, uncertainty and loss, that is when we need to apply this theory of mine. Always tell yourself, it was yours then but now no longer and hence there is something else which is now yours. Search for it !
No guarantee that the new thing will be as good as the old, it could be better and if it is worse, we need to try and make it better. If not, let go again and find the new.
I have seen by mentoring myself, I have always looked ahead to change, freedom from stagnancy, flow of new ideas, new avenues, newer opportunity leading to new highs.
But my experience with letting go has been always positive. So thats why I am all for letting go.
Jaane bhi dou yaaroan !