Thursday, July 23, 2020

The flip side to free bagel

Something Simon Sinek said in an interview I saw yesterday got me thinking

I quote him here 
The Free Bagel 

Sinek gives an example in his video of how he and his friend both wanted a free bagel that was being offered to all of the runners in the race that they had been a part of. His friend saw how long the line was and did not want to wait. Sinek made the choice to walk to the front of the line and blindly grab two bagels for himself, and his friend. Sinek broke the rules by jumping in front of the other people that were patiently waiting in line. By doing so, he was successful in getting what he wanted. He was able to grab two bagels, one for himself and one for his friend. However, breaking the rules still came with a price. Simon Sinek was not able to choose the type of bagels that he wanted.
Sinek’s maneuver on the surface seems like it was a brash and impatient decision. However, no one in front of him got mad because he didn’t take away their choice of bagel, he was simply focused on the end result. This is where breaking the rules will serve you when it comes to your goals. As long as you’re not hurting others, or denying them of their needs, how you reach your goal doesn’t matter. Breaking the rules gives you the chance to blaze the trail and solve problems like never before.

So here the moral of the story is:breaking rules solves problems. But what about morals ? 
What he did simply put was cheating and not how it is conveniently justified as "brash & impatient". He quoting it as an example for achieving goals, makes me honestly cringe. 

So back to my thoughts.. 

Today the definition of success is very simple, it equals to money earned, means (By which it is earned) does not matter. The problem is not money being the definition, the problem is each of us bullying our mind and heart to accept this definition. 

If I dont earn as much as X, I am a failure 
I will do anything to get praise from X because of the wealth he / she has    
.. and I could go on

Dont get me wrong, I want to earn money, lots of it but at what cost and how is another conversation. 

I also strongly believe in creative solutions, in fact that's the best way according to me, each one of us can add value to this world.I associate it to joy and I apply it to every aspect of my life even to my daily chores. 

I am also up for being opportunistic, but what do you perceive as opportunity to my mind is equally important. Taking away from someone is not being opportunistic, its called snatching and something you snatch from others, can be easily snatched from you as well. 

What I earn due to my hard work, implementation of mine & other's learning,support and love of others will stay with me for ever. Even if I loose most materialistic things in life, I am confident I will be able to able to win again as I have the confidence which comes from success earned because of strong foundation of honest efforts,self improvement, living in the moment and integrity. 

To sum up my thoughts  -

I define my success & stay true to it by creating it with support of others  & not at the cost (of others)