Sunday, February 15, 2009

my first step..

my first entry to any literary contest. thanks pooja for informing me about the same.

Flash Fiction (also called micro-fiction or short-shorts) presents a simple challenge: tell a story with all the classical elements: a beginning, middle and end, a conflict and resolution, a credible protagonist.. but all this in a very limited number of words.

The story had to be told in 55 words or less



Heres my entry

At work, he was restless until she meet, the steam they shared, left him wanting more. His wife asleep; she allured him. Her fire thawed away his loneliness. In the midst of all, they then led a separate life together.

He loved and he lost.. his life. Gleefully Nicotina sizzled on with her other lovers.

Results are out today.. din receive da all important call.. so guess they have a long way to go in terms of understanding my masterpieces .. he he


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ooops...don't know where the 'stri' came from!!! I had typed in, awww...come on

  3. hi i dint get ur comment.. would appreciate if u could comment again

  4. OH, I said something like, your submission was perhaps a bit too sophisticated for the micro-fiction contest :-). And oh, you haven't commented on ANY of my posts on my blog...waaaah!!!

  5. hey dat was neva on purpose.. wasnt sure whether u wld like me to comment.. cool hence forth will put in my words there fo sure :)

  6. Oh please do...I'd love to receive your comments.

  7. This short fiction deserves appreciation, except that, U could have related with more indian or more realistic names.

  8. ty so much..

    ya will keep that in mind next time i write :)
