everybody has something to say, something to sing, something yell.......sound... high decibel... noise... cacophony ... pandemonium.. misery...
ironic ... the voices you die to hear one day become noise... the sound of music gives you attacks of panic ... the sound of laughter .. which would lighten up your heart .. today leaves you cold ...
such is the power of sound....
i get migraine attacks due to bright light, shrill sound, stress situations... basically i have trigger happy migraine ... and today was migraine's happy hour the whole day !!!!!!
my way to play peeka boo with migraine like most of my migraine buddies is hide in a dark room ....
no one with me .. but me and the darkness around me and the silence with me....
lying on my bed i was engulfed by the ghost of the noises of the day ... tearing my head, my heart, my soul.... i lay limp.. waiting for them to leave me....
with silence.....
i slowly opened my eyes to silence... even though my eyes were closed i could see silence lurking one corner.. smiling shyly at me.. holding out a hand..... i felt my rigid body slowly relax.. felt a gentle gush of wind go in and charge my senses and leave me welcoming the next gush of wind.....and slowly i started searching for silence... she sang to me a song with no words, a melody with no tune, intoxicating with no spirit ... and a smile left my lips to reach my heart ... and my eyes lids finally made way for sleep to take me away from me......
loved this feeling.. ....
silence i love your music...