Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Heres the party tonight !!

Today is a red calendar day for me, I got my old mobile handset back. All you guys are cordially invited to the reunion party along with your handset.

Some days back I had fallen and had got a bump on my head, since there aint much in there I survived but unfortunately my mobile handset took the hit real bad. With the display broken I was mourning this loss rather than the pain in my head. My bro was the first one to point out this and that is when it hit me, my better half is my mobile!! (this one was for a dramatic effect)

Our Mobiles are your cherished buddy. It reflects the same sentiments like you do. It sings when your special one calls, scorns when your boss calls, is not reachable when parents want you, dies the moment it is fagged out and is back to life when charged. It cherishes old memories in the form of text messages, images, songs, conversation in its memory like we do in ours and deletes off the not required data. Just like us. Distance now are a thing to show on maps, ours is one integrated world closely connected via the mobile network.

Have you noticed how when in stress many people start fidgeting with their mobiles, like calling out to an alley to help them out. Some remove their vent on it but throwing it (go join how to care for your mobile classes and then anger management classes buddy). When bored, out comes our best buddy, our mobile, when happy or sad, again it is the mobile that comes to rescue. It reminds you of birthdays, marriage anniversaries and bails you out of predicaments. It wakes you up with a song you want and puts you off to sleep too when someone bores you through it. It helps bridge gap and build relations or break relations.

Have you noticed how elder people would raise their voice over the phone the moment they know its a long distance call, irrespective that the other person says he / she can hear them too loud and clear.

My grandma had a hearing problem so she found this novel way of communication, she would yell at ma over the phone and ma would have to just hear her out, no explanations could be given as my grandma would be unable to hear them and it was so much fun seeing my ma, the eternal Hitler being pulled down to her size by her ma. Later she would make her brothers explain her point of view to grandma, but my mamas too would enjoy this down sizing so much that they would never pass on the info spoken by my ma. Grandma as sure you too up there must be laughing thinking back!! I love you for that.

Our reliance on mobile phones is now somewhere becoming our handicap too. I do not remember the mobile number of even my family members ! I never bother with dates as I know its in there. But when there is a technical error, you cannot pass on the blame to your phone, you have to own up and face the music. Sometimes it isolates me from people cause even in a party, if I get an important official call, I go off. The noise pollution in public places has reached a catastrophic level. Phone manners are totally lacking in many. Some put on music on the phone loudspeaker and every body around him has to bear the gory music!! Loud ring tones again are a cause of headaches.

Mankind is eternally indebted toNathan B. Stubblefield for his invention for I really cant imagine life without my best buddy, can you ?


  1. actually you have given us a party with these posts coming together!

    speaking, listening have become more electronic and less human -- thats if we are more attached to these ...

  2. true.. we are more close to the virtual world than reality.. but then its ironic the virtual world helps u connect to so many more people ...
