Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Friendship – the titanic

Friendship is a relation which is always a subset of some other relation. For example if a parent and off spring relationship has to be successful, they need to be good friends. Like wise take up any relation and it requires the steady foundation of friendship, be it a couple, mentor- pupil, boss- subordinate, two colleagues, siblings and the list is every increasing.

Well I find it mind boggling. Friendship in one hand can be the foundation and the cement to any relationship and yet it alone very vulnerable.
Many a times this gigantic ship just sinks. People change, circumstances change and our approach to them change.

So is friendship without a relationship a vulnerable ship ?
Today when we look with jaundiced eye at any relationship and say every single one of them has lost its charm, does friendship stand a chance ?

According to me, there is too much randomness in the world since time immemorial and if you average them out, then things are on a larger canvas the same.

Earlier there were war, now just add nuclear to it, earlier we had romances, just add multiple to it, earlier there was bigotry, thank god that remains the same, earlier there was hunger for power, now just add super power, earlier there was cholera, now we have aids, I could add in more egs, but I believe in brevity !

So I guess friendship too as a relationship has not changed much, now too we form alliances to meet our mutual objective and once the goal is reached, we break away if that was the only thing binding us. But during the phase of friendship, if we develop another relationship then alone does it lasts.

Have you noticed how work colleagues when they are in the same organization are great buddies but once, either of them change work place, the friendship takes a back seat, that happens with your school or college friends too.

So if a friend has to last it has to be a foundation of a new relationship or bound by a mutual need or complementary need.

1 comment:

  1. umm ehemm ..
    these i notice lots of non-dexter posts jumping out of ur mind ...

    i think friendship is the best and simple form of any relationship ...
