Saturday, March 7, 2009

celebrating the spirit of woman ?

today's paper is full of discounts for woman to look good in order to celebrate woman’s day. media as usual glorifies the influential few under the sham of woman of substance .. most of them in lieu of achievement have to their credit a striking figure and botox face or they know the all important other people or have a credit record dat can buy them out.

is this what we stand for today ? and why do we need a special day to remind us of being a woman ? why is there no man's day ?

its funny we cry our throat sore that we do not need special treatment, we are equal to men and then we just go all out to prove just the opposite..

it truely no longer is a man's world as today the oppressed just got a more raw deal and the influential just played a more suave game is the story .. holds true for both sexes..

as a woman i today feel the world is my playground .. i can do things that my ma just dreamt of for me to do.. yes we have progressed .. the educated middle class has given woman a reason to celebrate but yet social stigmas and hypocrisy does mar some of the success but the story in villages is still ancient.. woman are still treated as mere objects of pleasure, child bearer and rarer, sex slave and other inhuman things. But not as a living.. feeling.. thinking creature ..

Please media highlight that and while celebrating woman’s day please focus on woman welfare and victories rather than frivolous things like beauty and fashion for woman.. as woman stands for much more than that .. try understanding her depth .. her spirit .. her joys .. her love.. try understanding her for a change..

one word for men.. please note that when we say NO we MEAN IT!!
i just find the hindi film romanticism about woman not speaking her mind out too out of place in today's scenario.. it might have happened some century back not any more!!


  1. Ok, men too has changed a lot and are accepting the developments in women.

    But I don't blame hindi films. I have really seen many girls behave like that.

  2. sure most men are..

    hmm now dat wld confuse u guys further eh ..

  3. I certainly am no Aishwarya Rai, but it's very important for me to look good, does that make me frivolous?

  4. well if its your only claim to fame then its frivolous .. as we all know it aint.. then it aint :) ... i too like to look good at times.........

    woman stand for lot more dan outer beauty .. her inner strength ..courage .. love .. are legendary ..

  5. Hmmm. I have responded to this on my blog :-)

  6. try posting your comment again .. it must have been a temp prob ...

  7. OK. it's the same as on my comments. Here's an interesting article on the new feminists: lipsticks and pageants,

    Wanting to be beautiful and be admired for one's beauty and looks is, in my opinion, absolutely no different from someone wanting to be admired for her brains. It's your right and choice as a woman to be want you want to be and gain respect from others for your choice.

    True,women have had to fight their way to where they are but thankfully many are realizing that the fashion model and the beauty queens are not to be scoffed at. And all those corporate women who believed that it was unintelligent to be absorbed by beauty and looks are now flocking to plastic surgeons for those botox injections and juvederm fillers. Also, just because you are up there on the platform looking good doesnt mean you have no brains.

  8. anu i think u have totally missed the point here wrt to my original post

    if u r talking about beauty alone .. tell me what relevance does it have to a woman who is trying to make both ends meet, or to someone who has be emotionally, god forbidding sexually or monetarily exploited..who is uneducated..

    or in front of issues like female foeticide, child labor, dowry harassment, forced prostitution..

    according to me No importance or relevance....

    my point is if you want to have a special day for woman.. bring out the issues related to women that are plaguing our society.. steps that can improve woman's status in india .. talk about people who are making this transition in woman's confidence and self worth ..

    talk about woman or men who have made a difference in woman's role in today's world ..

    it has nothing to do with models or whomever u think i am scoffing..

    i would admire beauty in man.. woman ...child.. stone.. plant ... relations..

  9. Dear bipasha, my comment was in response to your comment to my very first comment and I forgot all about your original post and the valid remarks you have made about women's day and was only thinking about you 'scoffing' at fashion models :-) And now, Miss Thinker, I'm going to snuggle up against Murphy and show him pics of Dexter and Tyson, and then I'm going back to sleep. Yesterday was a dirty day to be driving and I'm still all wound up....
