Tuesday, April 21, 2009

nothing has really changed !!

well today's paper really ,made me think this!! two women committed suicide as they were harassed by hubby and in laws for having girl child.

We are talking of going and staying in moon in one breadth and in that same breadth we talk about boys ensuring the generation continues ?

What surprises me more is not the man's attitude but that of woman. A woman can alone understand a woman best and she always ensures that she is a cause of misery for woman. I thought maybe a broader outlook towards life by staying in a cosmopolitan environment will change their perceptions. Education will bring in enlightenment. But these two incidences took place in Bombay the so called New York of India. What can be a bigger shallow gag than this one?

And if its not something as extreme as this, woman as a sibling always goes through gender bias at home where she looks for strength.. for self worth .. for courage to face the outer world. Why are n't mothers more atuned to the needs of her girl child than boy. Why even today woman have to make the sacrifice for the man ? Why even today woman who have to work after marriage have to come home and be the one to cook in most cases ?

And am talking about only cities in this case. These moms and mon -in laws would wear versace and gucci and yet have the mentality of their grandmom's

What really is alarming that the so called today's generation is not much different from the generation before give a few brownie points. They hold on to the same taboos and mis conceptions.

Well I hope the generation that comes by in the next 10 years is more liberated and dont carry the baggages of their parents. With more western influences doing their good in many ways and we with our perchant love to ape them might bring in some positive changes in our attitude towards girl child.


  1. Get your hands on the book/movie 'Not without my daughter' by Betty Mahmoody which is a real life story of an American woman who along with her daughter Mahtoob, becomes hostages in an alien culture of an increasingly tyrannical and voilent man, her Iranian husband. After reading this book I realized how much better off we Indian women actually are! Atleast we have the right to complain, to cry out aloud, to divorce which our country's democracy allows. We could have been worse we could have been born in countries with antiwomen laws!!:(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi vivavini

    i am aware of it and agree with you

    but what i was trying to point out here is hypocrisy .. women and men in metros want to look, talk and want to be looked up on as very western w/o changing their bigoted views and mentality..

    if a woman is tortured to death in bombay, i dread to imagine what is the plight of women in the villages..

    are you aware that now iran has passed a law stating sex without consent post marriage is no longer a crime
