Thursday, May 21, 2009

my genie .. last minute !!

i dunno why do i have this intense long term relationship with last minute .. its been my way of life since i realized the sexiness of last minute (read as effectiveness)

but wont u agree that there is this magical quality about last minute.. it will make everything happen.. straighten up all wrongs, makes u mug the right answer, bails u out of embarrassing situations.. ur absorption capacity of any kind of answer increases in a jiffy.. the big idea for a campaign.. the horrible boring n long reports get written in a minute.. albeit the last one ....things u have toooo lazy to do earlier.. just get done..

in fact after many fatal clashes once again my gene last minute had come to my rescue .. i pondered over what is it bout it that makes lil miracles happen ???

i guess its the realization of "its either now or never".. that's what makes the difference.. and for me this realization always wait for its buddy.. u guessed it right !! last minute.... grrrrrr

so there is i guess nothing so romantic bout my genie last minute other than my best buddy laziness and my penchant for a lil excitement...

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