Sunday, May 24, 2009

relation without words..

something beautiful happened to me ..

there is a stray dog in our neighborhood who loves to play with dexter (my 4 yr old labrador) but i mostly dont allow too much interactions as dexter might catch some ticks or disease from him. i always felt bad bout this thing i do but i did it for dex own good..

my family being a dog lover would always feed this dog, he is real cute and friendly and he too i found out was a sucker for vanilla ice cream so i would give him that .. dexter the jealous boy hated it.. n got a lot of scolding coz of that

unfortunately this dog got hurt in the leg and was limping. initially we thought its a minor wound but 2 days back when he came to eat food from us at night i saw its bad and needs medication..

i went to clean the wound and put medication i was really skeptical.. i thought he will run away n not allow me to touch him..

well to my surprise he allowed me take care of his wound.. whats more he even came back yesterday night and allowed us to put in new dressing..

i am really touched coz here is a creature who is trusting me inspite of no verbal communication between us... inspite of he knowing that i dont allow dexter to play with him too much... yet he could trusted me enough to let me take care of him..

this bond based on mayb trust.. mayb instinct.. may b wanting to be cared and loved is special to me now...

we all, man, animal, plants are all interconnected by a bond of being alive.. to be loved.. to co exist.. to be happy.. and all in this quest of ours form relations to help make this journey of ours more interesting and cherished... ultimately reaching our lil haven on earth..


  1. so true...unconditional love and trust is something humans really need to learn from dogs.

  2. umm dogs are dogs, they cant lower their grade unlike we do!

    to be trusted and loved by someone, we neednt communicate through words ha? maybe that wont suffice either ..

    your loving care proved it... hats off to you

  3. hi deep, what i wanted to convey here is ur 1st line,, inspite of me not trusting dexter with him.. he trusted me..

    btw he is much better now though the wound is not completely healed. its a deep one will take time but he is atleast moving around without limping too much..
