Wednesday, December 22, 2010

thank god !!

lot of minor things going wrong with me off late and i have been asking god "why me ?"

and yet today i got saved from a real crazy situation... i completely forgot to fill petrol and the car showed 0 petrol and yet i could reach the petrol pump before i got stranded......

all the way i was praying "god please" & god sure seemed pleased and i got saved from getting stranded.....

i came home and then remembered to thank god....

its so easy to remember to curse god when things go wrong and equally easy to forget to thank him when all is well....

will try next time onwards to thank god faster and curse him slower !!

Friday, November 19, 2010

music of silence !!

everybody has something to say, something to sing, something yell.......sound... high decibel... noise... cacophony ... pandemonium..  misery... 

ironic ... the voices you die to hear one day become noise... the sound of music gives you attacks of panic ... the sound of laughter .. which would lighten up your heart .. today leaves you cold ...

such is the power of sound....

i get migraine attacks due to bright light, shrill sound, stress situations... basically i have trigger happy migraine ... and today was migraine's happy hour  the whole day !!!!!!

my way to play peeka boo with migraine like most of my migraine buddies is hide in a dark room ....

no one with me .. but me and the darkness around me and the silence with me....

lying on my bed i was engulfed by the ghost of the noises of the day ... tearing my head, my heart, my soul.... i lay limp.. waiting for them to leave me.... 

with silence.....

i slowly opened my eyes to silence... even though my eyes were closed i could see silence lurking one corner.. smiling shyly at me.. holding out a hand..... i felt my rigid body slowly relax.. felt a gentle gush of wind go in and charge my senses and leave me welcoming the next gush of wind.....and slowly i started searching for silence... she sang to me a song with no words, a melody with no tune, intoxicating with no spirit ... and a smile left my lips to reach my heart ... and my eyes lids finally made way for sleep to take me away from me......

loved this feeling.. ....

silence i love your music...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

no storm in this coffee cup :P

I was an ardent fan of coffee with karan.. even watched some of the re runs when I have nothing better to do. What I admired most was karan quirky humor which obviously is very wickedly crafted to sound “on the spot” and same goes to most of the participants, it was more about spunk and attitude.. on your face .. gen X rather than “oh so saccharine sweet and  oh so wunna be french” rendezvous with Simi garewal..  

But after watching some 20 mins each of the two episodes of season latest ( dat too coz of old time sake.. 10 mins were unbearable !!!)  has left me cold... the coffee is cheap and tepid …. nothing to talk bout.. the hamper looks too french, the guests too pretentious and cocky and karan tooo boring !! questions too cliché and the rapid fire round had no fire and too predictable .. in fact the proto type of questions were so over used in prev seasons...

Karan darling (note the sarcasm :P) give us more meat, dress it more fab, but please dont over do the saccharine infested smiles and those plastic giggles and mindless banters .. its called noise pollution and in India we have enough of it.. and please get the some feisty questions for rapid fire.. if you are low on the spunk.. ask me …. will provide ;)
Wish nescafe could associate with this brand when the coffee was strong .......

Time god / goddess !!

I find it kinda freaky when philosophers , poets and other arty people glorify death and when I read such ideologies, I always hope this does not inspire a depressed person who reads this to attempt suicide !!

And why glorify something you know nothing about and when you know about it .. you cannot tell .. ha ha .. ya I know sad joke .. but come on tell aint it true ?

I mean I love similes and I love metaphors but come on telling death will set you free from this world is kinda corny..

Of course I do think how death will be and more than death I think of those alive how their lives would be.. But I realized what is eternal is time. With time death is forgotten, with time peace is restored, with time wounds are healed.. so why not glorify time ?

In hinduism there as so many lakh gods and goddesses, wonder if the brilliant idea of having a time god or goddess occurred to them.. guess will have to google it .. and if it exists the person must have been me in my previous birth …...

hmmm the god or goddess would have twenty four  arms, twelve  on each side, would weigh 60 kg and would be worshiped at  0:00 am. I for sure would want this one to be a goddess as men are always late … he he...

DND a hash !!!

monday mornings !!!

need I say more ?

And I received like some 7 sms promising me the sun and the moon gift wrapped along with the stars as special offer !!!!

it is frustrating as I always check smses due to work ethics and when I cut my attention from work to check such silly sms, not only is my attention lost, my temper flares up !

Are you thinking am crazy as usual .. well hold  coz I have already activated DND (do not disturb) for marketing calls and smses and complained when I initially received such calls and got tired of follow ups !!

And today when I got really frustrated I again called up to follow up the same and to my horror was told that the DND was deactivated !! Finding the culprit is not a task Sherlock Holmes would appreciate to take as this would flaw his near perfect record of solving unsolvable mysteries !!

Am I the chosen one or you too suffer from this problem ?

I guess our “chalta hain” attitude has been abused way beyond limit !!!

But of course I do see a change, today when I am harassed, if I threaten going to media, my work sure gets done (only good use of mindless media channel hungry for gossip and having a tacky knack for sensationalizing  the most non significant of happenings !!)

But what about the docile in-educated part of society ? They still heavily bear the price of all things wrong in the society ! Wish equality, fair play, justice were not words on paper and on the lips of government but becomes a part of every life in India

Saturday, November 6, 2010

bring in the lights

as a kid and still holi remains my fav festival as compared to diwali.. reason is simple.. NO NOISE ...

i have stopped celebrating with fire crackers as a kid itself.. never liked the loud noise and the smell of burnt crackers .... but what put me off them was a gory television message during the good ol doordarshan days, requesting kids not to play with fire cracker as there are thousands of innocent kids loosing their eyes and even life while making them...

i tried googling it ... dang could not find it ... it was a beautiful peace of work which had stirred my heart as a lil girl... 

today in the morning when i went with dexter for his morning walk, it was a pleasant surprise to see the amount of leftovers from the crackers was atleast 40 - 50 % less. Earlier when i would go down with dexter it would be like the roads have a carpet of white, red, silver and golden paper to welcome us and today we just had small shredded rugs here and there...

i wish for a diwali only full of lights and sweets.. what it originally meant to be... the celebration of victory of good over evil... hope we too gain victory over our evil practice of  bursting fire crackers at the cost of risking lives of innocent children, supporting child labor and increasing pollution.....

i wish though i find that doordarshan video online....... 

          Happy pollution free & happiness filled Diwali to all

being we or being me ??

i always had this internal anguish ... should i try to fit in or be just me ...

boundaries sometimes define who we are and other times defy who we are ...

creating them or not is i guess not the question as most of us do that first, consciously or unconsciously ....

following them is the question.. we all grapple with later on ...

society is out there to label your failure or success in staying within the boundaries ..

and how you feel about letting this effect your being is how your life revolves

it may not be such a bad thing as i feel society if too oppressing will not survive if its boundaries are not based on respect for all those within its boundary and is just to all ...

else it will be time to make newer boundaries....

borrowing from history though, the bar is heavier towards those who broke boundaries and followed their heart.. to help or destroy others...

maybe that is what is the gist.. fit in or stand out.. choice is mine... as long as it does not harm others....

Friday, November 5, 2010

dexter at it again !!!!!!!

well i have this one life time member dexter fan club and you can guess that member !!!!!

no really, who ever meets dexter does always asks me about his new antics.... and that always make my day, usually i hate narrating stuff but when its dexter am all game as many times.....

ya i know i sound so lame .... but then am honest .... cheeky right !!

well dexter off late has been obsessed with sleeping in the balcony coz cool wind blows there and there is a fan which is angled at his ass... so he loves the feel of artifical air on his ass and natural air all over :P

one night my parents decided to swap rooms and in the process dexter had to sleep in the balcony as i had closed the door by mistake and he is particular about sleeping at night in my parents room...

in the morning i wake up with a rude shock ... dexter puts his paw on my stomach and gives me two whacks with his paw............

and my ma is rolling on the floor laughing and i wonder what did i do to deserve this wake up love... ma then enlightened me....

the whole day was spent in laughing at this incident.....

ya i know u might not find it funny... guess coz ur sense of humour is not developed :P


not been able to grab hold of comp to key in my thoughts...

too many drifting memories... too many random thoughts....

but i realised writing helps to get over the pain the anguish the doubt and bring in more clarity .......

starting with disheartening stuff...

snuggles and his lady had given birth to a white fur ball three months back and he did fill the lives of all the animal lovers in our building with love and fun

our watchmen would lift this cutey on the table and play with him, our laundry guy would hug him and feed him biscuits everyday, my bro would play with him... even brought him up to get introduced to dexter, ok the lil boi freaked out to put it very mildly.. mom would watch his antics from the window ... in short... we all loved him... i really dint get much time with him and yet i grew fond of him

and one fine day i stopped seeing him around............................

you must have guessed it...

we all were upset for a few days... right now thinking about him is moistening my eyes...

life.. i guess is all about living happy, more about bringing happiness to others... mortality is alll about living after leaving in the hearts of people who have known you and love you still

this lil boi taught a wonderful lesson to me... i too hope after i die i live in the hearts of few (greedy make it many !!!) in  a happy way....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

wut an idea sir ji !!

i just loved the idea mobile advt on "batien karne ke liyeh basha ki jaroorat nahi hoti" ( loosely translated : you dont need to understand the launguage to communicate with eachother)

this reminds me of the incident my mother narrated to me long back, since my parents are bengali when they came to bombay 35 years back, ma did not know a single word of hindi and baba's vocab was bare minimum but ma and her two neighbours one maharashtrian and other south indian too dint have a common language but would have animated discussions whenever the ladies had time....

its amazing that we can communicate not just with other humans but also animals and plants without knowing their language and yet we refuse to communicate at times with our loved ones...

at home too we celebrate ganapati durga puja christmas with the same zeal and freak out on da biryani we get at friends over eid......

so in this case food knows no language ... ha ha

our ganapati this year

Saturday, September 4, 2010

tick tock ...big talk !!!

i love to read quotes everyday.. and each time i read a beautiful line, i am amazed at the wit .. sometimes the wisdom and yet other times the pain behind a sentence that either tells a story and yet makes you laugh .. some make you sit back and think and realize the thought could not be better communicated and yet others awaken you to a new world of thoughts ..... ya quotes really make me want to be one the people who would be made alive through the smiles. the thoughts. the tears, the empathy of others from time to time..... 

but honestly i hate the preachy kind of quotes teaching the value of time...  of course time is ticking away and we need to make good use of it but talking about accounting for seconds even with the poetic or quotic license is like going tooo far .... come on.. 

thank god then the people dint know bout nano second else in the quotes they would ask us to keep track of that too....

and how much time is wasted in keeping track...... so how do i make use of the time ?

simple.. sit back .. relax .. do what your heart tells mostly and other times listen to your head.... even if odds r against you... u become more odd and beat it in its game.....

i think life is not how you make it or what you do with it... its more about what you discover and what you learn and know what to unlearn... you waste time but gain wisdom... you make little more but gain peace.. 

i think a person is successful and accomplished in life only when you give more than you recieve and yet know you have more to give ...

some day i sure will get there... am not in a rush to climb up the ladder ..i know i will stay up long ...  am not scared to fall ..  as i know the path up again.... while i go ... i learn to learn more ... while i go i learn to give more .... while i go i enjoy the while i am here ... while i go i smell the road... while i go i know you are there by my side ......

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

hafta wasuli !!!

dexy has a fixed quota when it comes to food. meaning his breakfast consists of 4 breads and 1 cup milk and 4 marei biscuits followed by lunch of chicken and rice and he repeats the same for evening snack and dinner.

but the moment he sees any of us eating his favourite food (2 blog post or mayb more could b dedicated to that list !!!) he would not leave us unless we offer him his share.....

the way he does his hafta wasulii with those lovely eyes and "o am so cute" pose is so heart warming that i am the first to give into this emotional atyachaar and my bro would yell at me for spoiling him.

well if devil had a cute face it would be dexter and if munna bhai could learn something more about "emotional hafta wasuli" again dexter would be his mentor .....

coz its cold in bombay coz of the rains, his new fav snoozing adda is our couch .... hail dexter !!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

raju ban gaya gentle man ?? !!

 its ironic that we celebrate 63 years of freedom and yet we are bound to corruption,red tapism, bigotry and many others such evils, faces would have changed but the devil lives and trives !!

i was surprised to see on 16th august on papers just a news article on raju of satyam being released on bail. I was surprised that not much news coverage by news channels was done on the same who otherwise sensationalize something as gory as pedophilia !!

we have made a mockery of " of the people, for the people and by the people"

& media that is getting powerfull by the day is dominated by the money pundits

nothing looks real and no one there to trust ..

I dream of an India that is stands for its rights
I dream of an India that is united by its belief and divided by only geography
I dream of an India where knowledge is transparent & reward is directly proportional only to effort
I dream of an India where smile is real and tear evaporates into hope
I dream of an India where each Indian is proud to be an Indian ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

hiding from me !!

i was off on work tour and dexter gets real mad at me when i go, i have to wait for him to go off to sleep before i start packing else he gets upset the moment he sees my travel bag down.

this time too i did the same thing and as usual when i was back i was wrapped in my dexters arms and down on the floor with him petting me :)

but what really touched me was usually in the evening i take him for his evening walks and when am on tour my bro takes him out but the next day i was held up at work so my bro took dexter out for walk and this boy refused to budge !!

he waited till i came ie almost 2 hours after his due time to answer nature's call. he welcomed me and then ma told me the story. i was very touched with this unconditional love he showed !

we had one of the longest walks, he is an ace at emotional atyachaar !! but i so enjoyed it though by the end of it we both were tired, our hearts were warm with love and camaraderie

that's when it struck me, we always hide behind our invisible walls,hiding our feelings, sometimes from our loved ones, sometimes from people we cannot stand and sometimes even from our ownselves !!

the false pride, the fear of taken advantage of,  the image to maintain, the aftermath of our action.. the bitter feeling at the bottom of stomach, the wanting to let go ..all are justified and yet the feeling of flying by doing what you feel like cannot be second by any feeling in the world !!

and still we are so good at convincing our own selves that what we are doing is good that after some time we loose touch with reality, feelings are to be shown towards ones we love and sometimes even towards ones we dont...

what is life without a touch of madness.. without a touch of pain.. without a touch of wickedness , without a touch of sin, without a touch of silly pride, without a touch of greed for more, yes life is all about this and more .......

so i did grab my little bit of the moon, smiled at a stranger, hugged my mother, ragged my brother (ok that one is routine), waved at someone i usually ignore ......

changes... life is full of them ...

Sholay the finest definition of a Legend !!

Its been 35 years since sholay was released and still its fresh in every indian mind,

the gaonwaloan,
the angresh ke jamaane ke jailer,
the dhannou,
the kyun ki yeh kaoun bola,
the ramgard,
the chakki peesing,
the bachhoun ko kahani pad kar sunana,
the tera naam kya hain,
the mujhe gabbar jinda chahiye,
the soorma bhopali,
the kuttoan ke saame mut nachana,
the dosti,
the kitnein aadmi thein,
the yeh haat mujhe de de thakur,
the itna sannata kyun hain,
the toss,
the mouth organ,
the latein bujhana,
the chakki ka aata,
the kitne aadmi thein,
the tera kya hoga kalia,
the aree ou sambha,
the bhaag dhannou,
the suicide kya hota hain bhai,
the romance, the betrayal, the love, the passion, the horror, the pathos, the anger, the depth, the lust, the rage....

i could just go on and on.. salute to you sholay the finest definition of a Legend !!

i have so many memories of my past life attached to sholay..

as a kid i would cry every time i would see amitabh been beaten up and my parents would have to take me out of the theater before the last scene as they were scared i would bring the house down with my howling

as i grew and understood this is just a movie, my throat would always have a hard lump which was very difficult to swallow watching amitabh die but i started enjoying the jai veeru dosti and hoped i had that scooter with a side seater and a friend who would do all these cray things with me...

then during my adolescence, always hoped i meet someone who is crazy bout me as jai and veeru were about their lady love ...

as i grew older and wiser realised this really is a movie , men are crazy anyways ... ha ha kidding, then i started relishing every scene for what it was...

tx all those who dreamt and made sholay....... never another movie can touch so many hearts of generations to come ....

sunshine here i come !

A promise to keep,
a road to travel,
a smile to dazzle,
a song to make,
an answer to find,
a surprise to give,
a mystery to unravel,
a hug to receive,
love to give,
a wing to find,
a truth to learn,
a rule to make,
few to break,
an old friend to find,
many new to make,
a gift to make,
many more to spread,
a bitter pill to swallow,
an old habit to break,
a new me to discover,
some old secrets to uncover,
to unlearn,
to relearn,
to return,
to break free,
to be and yet let go,
to remember to forget,
to cry out loud so that i can hear,
to hide and find,
to return to a new beginning,
yes life sure is more than hand full,
but then you never get it fully!
Learning to live than just living,
sunshine here I come !!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

random thoughts

have got into this habit of status updates on fb everday past few months... have some  picked quotes.. have twisted many others... and written quite a few .... will be updating this one henceforth....

corporate maze unplugged !! ... how much you earn is inversely
proportional to work you do & is a function of asses licked, backs
stabbed, credits snatched !

Man is a wonderful creature limited by his imagination, a Woman takes
off from where his imagination ends !

The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the
stupidity of your act

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management policy !

 Is "God made me this way" your excuse ?

 For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism !

Beauty lies in the eye of the BEER holder

 Men-tal Anxiety. . . Men-opause. . . Men-tal Breakdown Ever noticed
that all problems start with MEN?

I know when everyone agrees with me, I must be doing something very wrong!

 some people look great from a distance & that's how far they should
remain to look good !

 aint looks like honesty and satire will ever go out of fashion

Making a carrier of hobby makes one successful, how come I am not when
I have snoozing for hobby, maybe I happen to be the exception

men have regard for age only when its bottled but women ........

 Wonder why shallow words have the strength to pierce a soul and deep
thoughts are crushed again by shallow words ?

Money the wicked seductress plays her tricks, she can be the elixir &
the poison, she can also be the peacemaker & the pimp, the tryst lies
between possession & possessed !

Softwares r like men, always come up with silly errors, eat up memory
space, have limited functions, so one is not enough, throw in an out
of box qs and they hang up & u need to upgrade then regularly ! darn
s/w ! but can't imagine life w/o either of them

 funny world we live in,we love things and we use people, we go to
virtual world to hunt for real friends, we are lonely in a group and
have gadgets for company when alone, smile today has become a smiley
:) (here we go again !!) but still I love this world coz I dunno ne
other !

 I don't worry too much bout doing the right thing coz I will
eventually get there once all possible wrong options r exhausted with
but I dun give up easy

 b4 criticizing any1 walk a mile in his shoes, then call him up and
criticize : u r the winner: u said what u had to + u have his shoes +
u exercised

 coffee, chocolate and men .... richer the better

 thandi barish + garam (chai + samosa) + mushy hindi phillum + kamball
= ecstacy ! did I miss out nethg ?

 Wish questions became independent and found ans on their own

 I believe in all the gods in the world .. now bring in the miracles !

 since living is ancient practise.. how come it has no SOP ?

 Those who can't do, teach. Then what do those who can't do nor teach do ?

 how short a minute is depends on which side of the wash room door u r

 If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done,
aska woman. - Margaret Thatcher

 its no longer bout wining, its all about Out racing ur opponent !

 If man evolved from apes why does HE behaves like One (ape) still ??

was awakened by the pitter patter of the rains.. in the days of
inflation.. mother nature still bestows beauty & joy for free

 Loud is NOT a synonym for Deep

 I don't get even .... I get odder !

alive most when pain is excruciating .. spirits soar when all you give
is all you have.. paradox thy name is life

Idiot (id-ee-it) n.- One who disagrees wit Me

 Behind every great woman is a man telling her she's ignoring him.

 games r so over rated wish we took even 1/4th of this interest,
effort, time n if possible in social causes

 Not all men are annoying .. Some are Dead !!

 I have suffered from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a
hell of a lot more if I had been understood

I'm not sure I want popular opinion on my side -- I've noticed those
with the most opinions often have the fewest facts!

 just becoz u can't understand me dun b too harsh while judging urself

You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.

The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting
something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong

 I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame you !!

 "Life is like this : Just when we get all the answers of
life.......Life changes the Question!!".....

 ‎"It's not where you're from; it's where you're going. It's not what
you drive; it's what drives you. It's not what's on you; it's what's
in you. It's not what you think; it's what you know." unknown author

Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me,
for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me
alone !!

 Don't take Life too Seriously, you Won't get out Alive

Its not what u have but what u give that defines u

 A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer !

 What we see depends mainly on what we look for !! wondering why i
haven't met george clooney yet

 Just when I thought this was it, the wind came by...

 If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side With a
good detergant

 Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong !

 life is short .. eat desert first! after that if life remains exercise !!

 ‎"If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of
themselves."Maria Edgeworth .... then we would need someone to take
care of us.. coz we wld have lost it by taking care of every moment

One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat
them at politeness .. but will they notice ?

 Morality is simply the attitude I adopt towards people whom I
personally dislike !!

When I was a little girl I was told that anybody could become Prime
Minister; I'm beginning to believe it.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a
smart woman with a dumb guy.

You don't have to blow out anybody else's candle to make yours shine brighter

 Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought
half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult !!

 I may not return the affection of those who like me, but will always
respect their good judgment !

 My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm
happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?

taking care while i wait .....

just another rambling ........................
yesterday blew up in smoke,  

tomorrow a distant dream,  

today is all i am left with

they tell me loneliness kills,

I find a friend in him,  

as he is here when the world ignored me  

I know you have been here too...  

stumbled and found a hand to hold..

I wait for my angel hand to appear

but have to take care till then of my today..  

yes lots to do.....

its a gurl thing !

have you guys seem the new sony vaio “go vivid” advt ?
To tell you briefly, it shows kareena kapoor changing clothes to match the color of her new sony vaio.

The take home msg here is “ a lappy with vibrant colors to match your colorful personality and its a simple to handle pc”

well I initially felt that the woman's intelligence was getting insulted here, we have come a long way from the barbie doll era !! but back of my mind I grudgingly had to admit to myself that a marketing driven company like sony knew what they were talking about.

I decided to do my little primary data collection process by asking a few girls around and found yes women did like lappy's to match their dress and an pc which talked about simplicity was good....

wow and here I thought I being a woman understood women !

God had to make us different in a better way than men ;) so no apologies what so ever for being the way we are :D

live another day... or ?

yesterday i came to know about a spine chilling tragic death of a 30 year old guy from work who is survived by a wife and child. 

was very low thinking about how his and his family's hope and dream have been brutally crashed and how the hope of another day has been snatched not only from him, his family too !!

that's when i thought to myself, a double income family is vital for we middle class people.

person's presence can never be replaced but his responsibility can be if the woman is financially independent.

it brought back my childhood memories, when i would act like a monkey when ma would make me sit to study, jumping from the sofa to the chair to the table to the bed and ma would sometimes run behind me rarely cajoling, mostly yelling and sometimes hysterically telling me to study so that tomorrow i stand on my two feet and i would just not understand that why cant ma see the brilliant display of my antiques with two feet !!

but today i thank her for ensuring i stand on my two feet ! of course now i want to fly now that i know how to stand..

guess leaving things for tomorrow after all is not such a bright idea...

will try to laugh out loud, get drenched in rains, whistle at a himbo (thats a new term i learned ), smile at a stranger, buy the watch i have been dreaming .. hey gotta remove that from the list already did it !!!

but yes am living for today.... tomorrow is a distant dream and yesterday is in smoke..... gone..... today ... how good do i make you ?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

knowing to Noing

I have always been a believer of self. Don't take or give  unsolicited advice. Always thought that you wont know what the other person feels unless you go through the same and no two people are same.

In short Stupid :)

I of course have committed “n +1” number of mistakes, some I magnanimously, some I grudgingly, some I sheepishly and for some I was brutally cornered to  accept !! and of course there are others I still refuse to accept.

In short still stupid :)
Anyways today I learned something beautiful from my kid bro.

I had a friend whom the rest of my friends and family just did not approve of and I really could not care less because I thought I knew better and would always get upset with my family when they voiced their opinion on my choice of friends.

But an incident proved to me how right they all were. Of course accepting that the world was right and I was wrong is such a humbling experience I can do without as I love my cocky self or so I thought.

Hence I had decided not to tell anyone about this but then you can run but not hide from your own self and I disclosed it to my bro and that is when he said something beautiful.

Essence of what he said was : sometimes from very close quarter, everything looks so big that you do not see the bad and sometimes a bird eye view gives you a better perspective to life and people in it.

Which I think was very true in my case.

So I learned my lesson the harder way, hope you have a better experience than me but thank god its not a bitter lesson for me either :)

I guess I have to learn to be more of a sponge, absorb all that is around and then squeeze out all I don't need but absorbing everything unconditionally is vital and very difficult because of the year of self conditioning. But then improving self is an exhaustive but liberating feeling ... so here I go again with life, this time trying to be a bit more open  to start with ..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dexter .. attitude galore

whenever anything new comes home, dexter has to smell it. Its like one of his fundamental rights as a responsible member of the family. Once he approves the smell, we all are allowed to proceed with the new stuff.

Yesterday I bought a new dress and forgot to get dexter's approval and we proceeded with life as usual..

at night when we all were calling him aloud to sleep, he just refused to budge from the living room carpet and that's when we realized he is mad at us for some reason and quickly all fingers pointed to me :).. I quickly got about making amendment by getting my dress for dexter to smell.

And yes indeed that was the reason of his anger !!!
once again dexter made us laugh and feel proud of his antics in a weird way.. we know that a non dog lover would think of us to be insane and we could not care less !!

and at the same time we are proud of dexter and his attitudes because he is not like some robo dog trained to listen to his or her master. In fact I hate the term master or mistress used .. makes hitler alive in my mind ... very creepy thought.....

when the movers and shakers moved with meaning and shaked some evil

read about the bickering between a media person and AB at a networking or tweeting site.. dun remember... it was in newspaper main column and in one corner was the news on a girl in an Iranian jail awaiting puberty to be stoned to death.

Its hilarious what the movers and shakers do in the name of Public Relation without any relation with the public !!

wish the media and media movers and shakers add a bit more substance to their actions.. please tweet.. blog.. fbing.. and whatever you do in the name of Public Relation, if a slice of social cause with concern is added, you guys could become heroes in every screen..

Ka boom !!

Been a while since I had something to say, not that things have not been happening, but nothing substantial worth a mention.

Feel like the under dog of the fairy tale like movies (both hollywood and bolywood) where  am living a non existent life and boom there comes the magic in my life and I become a super hero !!!

Well I had gone to Bangalore ashram of art of living to loose some weight and gain some sense, luckily or unluckily either things did not happen. (of course it could have been worse if the opposite happened in-spite of the fact that my resources in terms of sense is restricted to non sense !!)

had to get back to work with a lot of pending things to cover up so ya life have been mundane, boring and uneventful to be crisp !!

still waiting for my “ka boom” moment !!

this is me and my fav aol gurl 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

aaah se aha tak !!!

went to a restaurant in agra for lunch, the heat out there was a killer and wanted nothing more than a good desi lunch with lots of ice tea and super chilled ac !!!

unfortunately power supply was badly hit so the ac in da restaurant was not working for starters, food was super spicy blistering my tongue (usually the threshold of mine for spices is pretty above average !!). so basically murphy's law was acting at its prime !!

like most experiences in life this too had a silver lining ...

the waiter saw that we had hardly eaten anything and had asked for the finger bowl, he said he was sorry and wanted to serve us fresh food done to our taste. i was really touched. 

i for sure will again visit this restaurant again as i know this waiter will ensure that i eat my food this time :)

a guy who would know not much about the word not know about the word management fundas converted a customer grievance to a customer delight moment.

i hope the big wigs of so called sophisticated service industry learn a trick or two from this guy.

doing beautiful !!

I have been travelling to the mini metros like bhopal, indore, lucknow, agra and feel proud to see economy thriving, best index are the number of malls, beauty centers mushrooming and thriving.

Yes these sights do make my heart swell with pride but somethg other than disparity that saddens me is cruelty towards animals common in all these cities.

I alway
s remember the words of mahatma which I think are the wisest words spoken against cruelty towards animals “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the ways its animals are treated” 

What amazes me always about we humans, we always want to look good, so that we feel good but why don't we do good to be good?

All our energies, time and money spend on acquiring the world to say hey beautiful when being beautiful is all about doing beautiful.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

this moment !!

offlate hearing too many bad news.. a very dear friends father died, bobby am real sorry this happened. then couple of days back  heard a couple of other friends friend's father died and i was really very upset.

I always pray to god for a longer life of my loved ones the moment these things happens to other and try treasuring every moment i am with them.

I was touring and so was baba so called him up and was so happy to hear his voice and once i was back i was just treasuring the moments with my family.

but once i get over being upset i will get back to taking them for granted...

but this time round i have decided no more taking people who love me for granted and always showing how much i too care.. true life is too short.. live for this moment.. and treasure it !!!!!!!

its not what you have, but what you give that defines you !

was in bhopal recently, the heat there was draining off my spirit but the large heart of a little boy just made my heart and spirit soar up again

i was outside an hospital, and really loosing whatever little cool i was left with as i could not trace the car driver then i see this little boy who did not look from a well to do family was relishing on glucose biscuits, i was watching him to distract my mind off the heat and the agony of the wait, this little boy eats a couple of biscuits and then offers the other two to the hungry street dog, i was touched but the generosity of a four - five year old kid.

Not only that, he also gave the dog a share of his water, his thoughtfulness just touched me.

its not what you have, but what you give  that defines you !

wish we all too could be like the little boy, luckily i did have a bar of chocolate in my bag and this was probably my only bar of chocolate i was happy to give it off to someone with 100 % of joy in my heart.

i dont think i will ever meet him again but am sure this little boy will grow up to be a wonderful human being ..

thanks for reminding me the joy of giving :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

lotus in the muck ...

i am a short circuit and what fuses me quickest is the crab mentality prevailing here in our country.. so socializing is really not my cuppa..

my bro always tells me am over critical and i conveniently blame it on my perfection. 

like i said yday i am bitten by the "bring in a change in me" bug so am off on to prove to myself the already proven theory that " world is how you look at it" i have started being a bit more open to others, i have never been the judgmental but now i am trying to be find the lotus in every muck i meet !!

very cheeky of me i agree but trust me its really mucky around here .....

Anyways i was discussing my new change in attitude with my brother who also happens to be an AOL (art of living) teacher..

during the conversation i was telling him about my admiration for the Chinese, I have no love for communism but the way they are growing by supporting each other always awes me more so when we have a similar socio - economic constraints and yet they are way ahead of each other.. 

then we moved on to discussing how much we both admire the Japanese. I have worked with them and their attitude towards profession and family has always been in sync with what i had read. 

My bro told me something real interesting about them ..

in japan, children are taught about teamwork right from childhood as the toys there are made heavy so that no child can lift it alone and would require a group to ensure that they can play with the toy. so they learn the nuances of teamwork right before they learn to speak a complete sentence !!

 aol school is replicating the same philosophy in their school in bangalore called shri shri ravi shankar vidyalaya

i hope more kindergardens take this up and the gen next learns to grow out of crab mentality and set example in team work to make India shining a dream come true sooner !!

Monday, February 22, 2010

dare !!

essence of life lies in simple philosophies and yet we so complicate it by running in circles around the  pillar of our worries / insecurities 

i was just doing a self analysis and came to the sad conclusion that for a long time i have not done anything new or different ... i have just been living without learning any thing new personally or taking up any new challenges off late ...

then thanks to the annual health check up courtesy office i realized i am good kilos overweight (keep guessing how many .. real mind boggling number !!!) and thats when  i got a real hard knock on my head and realized time to change or be changed !!!

i have been meaning to take dance lesson for about a year now .. i am supposedly passionate about dance and yet the right moment still beats me.... again a self revelation... i have a passion for doing nothing.. never the less i have passion.. its all about channelizing this passion... 

it always helps to have a family which believes that their dedication and love towards you and source of motivation can be only demonstrated by consistently ruthlessly pulling your leg.. so now with the backing and blessing of my family i now travel a bumpy , narrow uphill road to weight loss.. 

just got this quote in my mail box courtesy arina quote of the day and it got me thinking ..what timing in my case :)

"Dare to dream, dare to try, dare to fail - dare to succeed."
G Kinsley Wood 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

living after leaving ...

the lady who lived two floors above us would always keep water for birds to drink on the window of her kitchen.. I had mentioned about her earlier.. ma and me were pretty inspired by her and started keeping water for the days she had gone out of town.. (of course ma did the work .. I was just inspired !!)

unfortunately she is now no more..

she was related to few by blood and related to others by her deeds.

Yesterday ma observed that few pigeons have been coming to our window a lot and then it struck her that these birds must be looking for the lady for water and then she kept a bowl of water there.

In the evening ma observed that half the water was gone and then even a few crows came over to drink water

ma hates crows as they are supposed to be bearers of bad news but of course she has not much of a choice here as her humanity is at stake !!

so now we have decided to follow what the noble lady had started.. keeping a bowl of water for the birds everyday henceforth..

life sure goes on and yet we take a moment to remember the people who made it worth living in their little way and touched so many lives ....

Monday, February 15, 2010

dexy 1.3

Dexy nudges ma when he needs food and nudges me or broi for his doggy treat which is kept on particular rack in the fridge. Once when dexy felt an urge for the treat and not finding me or broi he started nudging ma to the fridge. Ma did not know why was he doing so and opened the fridge and gave him some green peas which he loves. But he again nudged her and she again opened the fridge to figure out what he wanted from there. When she could not figure it out, dexy himself removed the treat packed and left ma rolling in laughter.

Guess dexy was sent by god to bring in laughter in our lives which the more there is, the more enriched our lives become..

I was on a trip and got lot of doggie food for my dexy and boy is he thrilled. Now he chooses the treat he wants to have.... life should be all about choices  you make :)

btw snuggles too gets lucky now.. he gets a share of the doggie treat :) and dexter is learning to behave and realizing he has no choice here but share grudgingly !!


I always encouraged my bro to communicate as I have seen most men don't communicate unless its death and death situation and then its too late. Lately he has taken up my continuous nudging to write a blog and he finally did it.

I have known him pretty close all his life but yet when I started reading his thoughts I felt I really did know quite little bout him. His thoughts were fresh and different and he could finally put them to words was something that thrilled me. If you get a scope do visit his blog posts at ....

but I loved was he finally listened to me. Well whom am I flattering.. I guess it was his time.. loved the line he wrote.... god wears a different watch than us... true he does as he alone knows the right time..

do check his blog and put in your comments

tashan !!!

was in ludhiana last week.. it was a riot.. in punjab I guess there truly is no dull moment. I saw three youngsters driving a huge tractor in the middle of a main road, delaying the other cars, carrying a single barrel gun and savoring every moment of their drive in their kingdom of vanity. I asked the driver why no one was telling them to budge.. the driver proudly replied.. its the tashan.. I guess it happens only down here and ya what the heck why not. Am sure they had fun.. what if 20 cars got delayed to their destination.. and seeing them enjoy I felt like taking a pic but chickened out .. dunno what tashan they have towards visitors clicking pics !!

I guess its not just punjab.. its the whole of india, there seems to be something thrilling and so radically different happening in every corner and if you are a spectator, you sure are gonna have a roller coaster time going from one state to another which will either touch your stomach with mouthwatering cuisine, your sense of style with every state having a unique type of sari or kurta .. touch you eyes with natural beauty .. and steal you soul... making you want to give into these places for the time you are there atleast ..

Loved the tourism ministry advt on “atithi devo bhavo” guess its for the common wealth games in delhi. Sure it does strike a chord and sure it has a real strong brand ambassador but its very easy to preach than followed.. In a country where disparity is glaring naked on the eyes, sentimental advertisement wont help much as many towns dont still have the electricity to run a fan forget watch television. wish government put in money, brain and time on removing the disparity than putting the same down the drain with high celebrity power campaign.. 

hero in every corner !!

some days back I met this awesome lady with two dogs and when I went to pet the dogs she told me her story of how  she found one of her dogs when she was travelling in another country. She rescued this awesome German shepherd who was being brutally maimed by the original owner. She took him to the hospital  and has been caring for him past 10 years. She is young  and single and I know how much time consuming is having one dog and she has the dedication to manage single handedly two dogs  !!

just couple of days back I met another awesome person. He was with the army and now he is in the industry. Always admired people from the forces as their perception of life is so much more full than the civilian's as they call it. They give accomplishment another meaning and yet can be so refreshingly humble about it.

Truly there is a hero around every corner.. its just how deep you look to find one !! And each of them leave a n impression in your perception of things ... 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

its a culture thing

very proud to put in dis post...

my colleague and friend at work, niraja made me and indians real proud a couple of days back...

she was at the goa airport and the luggage trolley of a white woman which was been carried by a porter wobbled and she abused the guy calling him "bloody indian".

my friend politely told her that she was still on Indian soil and told the porter that he did not have to take shit from the lady and would pay the money which she was offering. the porter left the luggage and went and the lady pretended this scene did not happen.

if this would have happened in an other country the lady would not have been so lucky to get away so easy....

well i guess its a culture thing...

we have such inherent good qualities in us.. lets develop those better and keep our negative qualities away and build a better, brighter, stronger and more harmonious india !!

mile sur mera tumhara.. aman ki aasha

two beautiful attempts at peace..

yes both do steer my heart and swell up my throat, but how about bringing in fore front the true heros who are giving up everything dear to them in this aasha and to ensure that sur remains......

other than salman khan none of the bollywood stars featured in the video have made any significant contribution other than the PR activities they do, few sports stars were taken but given very little significance,,come on guys give us a break ... all this for TRP.... stop selling up for money.....n stop abusing our intelligence .. yes we can c through u ....

loved the advt on tv on aman ki aasha...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

mental rambling

Save the trees

I loved the latest commercial of Idea cellular for save the trees. Just recently I was reprimanded by my friend for taking unnecessary print out and the advt made me feel a bit more guilty. True one small step in right direction can make a world of difference.

I have now become more judicious than before in terms of paper usage.


some days back during our evening walk, dexter found a dead puppy. He went on licking it to bring it back to life and I had to pull him away and then wash his mouth so that he would not catch germs. The body of the little puppy often invades my mind and makes me sad. But then they say when a dog dies his soul becomes free. Hope this little soul finds his freedom


today is my brother's birthday. We were talking yesterday night till 3 am. Not to celebrate his birthday but because he was not sleepy. We have been sharing our lives ever since he can remember and our bond thank god grows stronger over the years , so does our differences and in many cases our beliefs but yet at the end of the day, we will be there for each other, guess thats what counts...

m for ma.. m for mobile

my bro bought ma a new mobile and ever since its been her toy. Of course she knows not much than to receive calls. Since not many know her mobile number, family happens to be her only callers and whenever she goes out she would remind me to give her a call. Just like a little girl with her new doll would do. Baba too is excited that his new mobile has an fm radio. How little joys still rock our world warms the heart in the chill of winter

3 idiots

i guess now its in vogue to blatantly snatch credit where it is due..  lobby of cinema movers and shakers who are not only doing shallow deed but also ensuring things are written about it in a neutral manner, i was surprised when i read an article some how justifying this shallow deed.

its as obvious as day and night that 3 idiots has been inspired / copied / stolen from 5 point someone. 

funnily the beautiful message in the movie about going all out for excellence instead of success seems to have been taken a total pass off by the movie maker and his team.... 

Sunday, January 10, 2010


yesterday i was at my regular salon, and the girl next to me had a list of requirement from a single hair style which took her almost 10 minutes to explain. yes i am being lenient as i was under the hair steam for 15 minutes and she came in b4 i started the steam.. :p

i and my hair dresser were exchanging exasperated looks and mischievous and also bitchy smiles.. -and i told him .. da lady needs a miracle and not a hair cut... and was feeling proud of my supposedly very funny comment !!

later on my way back .. feeling at peace with the world and the bounce on my hair adding to my happiness, i started thinking.. does this analogy not hold true for all of us too..  are we all not like this girl ??

 we too make a lot of demands from  life, from god, from family. from friends, from strangers, from hair dressers !! and we feel all of it is justified and we deserve more and then when these expectations or demands are not met, inspite or without our efforts .. we feel upset, then we want more attention.. and since no one takes us as seriously as we take our self .. we are further hurt.. and there starts the vicious cycle.. some find a way out, others bury it deep and others themselves go deep into it which unfortunately ends in ending the life that was once full of hope..

with suicide rate.. road rage.. sexual harassment ..racial discrimination on an all time high and self esteem, selfless deeds, humility, humanity on an all time low, i wish this year we all take small steps to make this world a little better place to live in..

am i now being unrealistic.. time alone will tell .. oh happy new year by the way to all, sorry its belated.....